"I shut my eyes in order to see."
- Paul Gauguin
"I shut my eyes in order to see."
- Paul Gauguin
Signery2 can help you!
Signs offer tremendous advertising value. Contact us to help you create an extraordinary, distinctive and effective design that will maximize your investment return for years to come.
Return on Investment
Business Signs are a Smart Investment:
ABC's of Signage
According to research by the International Sign Association, a single well-designed sign can help a business establishment increase its sales by 25% the first year the sign is up. Signs can do three things for your business:
Attract New Customers
Research indicates that 85% of your customers live or work within a five-mile radius of your business, but 18% of the population relocates annually. This means each year you're losing customers that you must replace with new customers. If you want to grow your business, you must increase your customer base. The quickest, easiest, and most economical way to attract new customers is with signage.
Brand Your Business
Make your business the first one that comes to mind as a place to find a product or service through repetition. As your customers drive by your location, your sign should be designed so that it catches their attention every time they pass. The name of your business, your logo, company colors, catch phrases, etc. should be consistent on your sign, website, letterhead, business cards, and print ads. These coordinated efforts help to build recall and recognition and to brand your business in the mind of the consumer.
Create Impulse Sales
Who hasn't driven down the street, stopped at a store and made a purchase, merely because they saw the sign? Many potential customers are too busy to wander around comparison-shopping. They are more likely to stop at the first convenient place they see that seems to be selling what they need.
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